About personal information

Personal information protection guidelines

Our store believes that it is important to appropriately use and protect information that can identify individual customers (hereinafter referred to as "personal information"), and as a company we take the following measures to protect personal information. I promise you that.

1. About information collection

Our store collects personal information as necessary when purchasing products and providing other services. The personal information we collect at our store is as follows:
・Various information entered when purchasing products
・Various information entered/contacted through various inquiries, questionnaires, etc.
・Various information regarding subscription and reception of e-mail magazines and other information issued by our store
・Various information such as IP address and mobile device identification used when your computer connects to the Internet
・Access information obtained using technologies such as cookies, information automatically collected each time our services are used
・Other information other than the above items necessary for business execution

2. Regarding use of personal information

Personal information collected at our store will be used for the following purposes.
・Various duties related to the delivery of ordered products
・When used for our store's advertising and various marketing purposes
- Dissemination of information through various email magazines
- Sending information via e-mail, mail, fax, telephone, etc. regarding the services provided by our store.
・When it is necessary to contact users in connection with information provision and opinion exchange services such as surveys and inquiries ・When using the information to respond to various inquiries ・For other purposes other than those listed above, to carry out business if needed

3. About protection of personal information

-Personal information collected by our store will be strictly managed and stored under our responsibility.
・In order to ensure the up-to-dateness and accuracy of personal information, our store may request your cooperation in confirming, changing, or correcting personal information.

4. Regarding inquiry, editing, and deletion of personal information

・For corrections or deletions of personal information provided by customers, please contact the following contact point. Additionally, if you have registered as a member, you can correct or delete your information using the dedicated management form.
Contact: fiika products Co., Ltd. Setsuko Mikitani Telephone number (090) 3278-8596

5. Regarding disclosure of personal information to third parties

As a general rule, our store does not disclose acquired or collected personal information to third parties. However, personal information may be disclosed in the following cases:
・When there is a disclosure request based on laws and regulations (cooperation with police investigation, etc.).
・When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the healthy development of children, and when it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
・When it is necessary to protect a person's life, body, property, etc., and when it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
・When our store transfers all or part of its business to a third party or spins off as a separate company, and the transfer is made to a third party or a separate company.

6. Regarding policy changes, modifications, announcements, and notifications

Our store may change the contents of this "Personal Information Protection Guidelines" without prior notice. We are unable to contact customers individually, so please be sure to refer to this page for the latest information when using the service.

7. others

According to the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act, personal information may be handled differently from the above items.